Cathodic Protection System in Oil & Gas Exploration Industry


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Cathodic Protection System in Oil & Gas Exploration Industry

Cathodic Protection System in Oil & Gas Exploration Industry
22 - 26 Sep 2024
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
United Arab Emirates

What are the Goals?

This training course is designed to provide:

  • The theoretical basis and the practical ability necessary operate and maintain Cathodic Protection (CP) systems in the oil and gas surface production facilities
  • Understanding of the basic principles of corrosion and applications of galvanic and impressed current CP systems
  • Understanding of the field equipment used to monitor CP systems and how they work
  • Understanding of the various factors that impact the performance of these systems
  • Learn about essential CP monitoring techniques to ensure effective operation
  • Understanding of increase productivity by avoiding costly shutdowns thus reducing the cost of the overall corrosion control program

Who is this Training Course for?

This training course is suitable for personnel who are working in technical areas related to materials, maintenance and integrity who deal directly or indirectly with cathodic protection. They include:

  • Corrosion Engineers and Technicians
  • Inspection and Maintenance personnel
  • Static Equipment Engineers
  • Safety Personnel
  • Project Engineers
  • Managers and Team Leaders

Daily Agenda

Day One: Principles and Types of Corrosion and Corrosion Control

Section I - Significance of Corrosion Control

  • Corrosion - Largest Single Cause of Plant Failure
  • Economic Effects
  • Environmental Effects
  • Safety Effects
  • Corrosion Management Preventive Strategies
  • Cost of Corrosion
  • Case Study: Catastrophic Corrosion Accidents

Section II - Corrosion & its Control

  • Requirements for Corrosion to Occur
  • Metallurgical Factors
  • Forms of Corrosion
  • Corrosion Control Methods
  • Environmental Modification
  • Protective Coatings
  • Introduction to Cathodic Protection

Day Two: Corrosion Environment, Material Selection and Elements of Cathodic Protection

Section III - Corrosive Environments & Construction of Materials

  • Atmospheric Environments
  • Marine atmospheres
  • Industrial Atmospheres
  • Underground Environments
  • Material Selection
  • Corrosion Properties of  Steels
  • Concrete Structure Environment

Section IV - Fundamentals of Cathodic Protection Systems

  • Galvanic Series
  • General Application of Cathodic Protection
  • Industry Standard & Codes
  • Principle of CPS
  • The Cathodic Protection Cell
  • Methods of Applying Cathodic Protection
  • Sacrificial Cathodic Protection System
  • Impressed-Current Cathodic Protection System
  • Advantages of SCPS
  • Disadvantages SCPS
  • Advantages ICCP
  • Disadvantages ICCP
  • CPS Selection
  • Basic Requirements for Cathodic Protection
  • Cathodic Protection Criteria
  • Current Rectifiers/DC Power Source
  • High Impedance Voltmeter
  • Reference Cells (Half Cells) Reference Cells
  • Applicable NACE Standard for Cathodic Protection Systems

Day Three: Cathodic Protection Systems Design and Coating Issues

Section V - Cathodic Protection System Design

  • Design Factors
  • Electrolyte resistivity survey
  • Electrolyte pH survey
  • Structure versus electrolyte potential survey
  • Current requirement
  • Coating resistance
  • Protective current required
  • Sacrificial anode (galvanic) cathodic protection design
  • Impressed current cathodic protection system design
  • Soil resistivity
  • Current requirement test
  • Typical CPS Design Parameters

Section VI - Cathodic Protection Systems and Coatings

  • Role of Protective Coating in CPS
  • Selection Factors
  • Coating Defects
  • Coating Efficiency
  • Overvoltage
  • Cathodic Disbondment
  • Commonly used Coating in Conjunction with CPS

Day Four: Cathodic Protection Anodes and Construction

Section VII - Anodes & Rectifiers

  • Anode Selection
  • Anode material types, magnesium, zinc, aluminum, etc.
  • Current output
  • Driving Potential
  • Anode life
  • Anode Shape & Dimension
  • Anode Efficiency
  • Galvanic Anode Types
  • Current Requirements for ICCP System
  • Anode Materials for ICCP
  • Anode Backfilling
  • Installation of Sacrificial Anodes
  • Impressed Current Anode Beds
  • Impressed Current Rectifiers/DC Power Source
  • Cathodic Protection Equations
  • Solved Cathodic Protection calculation examples

Section VIII - Practicing & Construction of Cathodic Protection System

  • Components of Cathodic Protection Systems
  • Essential Components
  • Isolating joints
  • Junction Boxes
  • Test stations, measuring points and coupons
  • Thermite Weld
  • Earthing Systems
  • Line current measurement
  • Pipe Sleeves/Casings
  • Cathodic Protection Vessels & Tank Internals Vessels & Tank
  • Tanks for Storage of Chemicals
  • Water Circulating Systems
  • Heat exchangers (tube and shell)
  • Case Study: Construction of Cathodic Protection Systems

Day Five: Line and Coating Inspection, Safety and Corrosion Comics

Section IX - Inspection of Pipeline and Coating defects

  • Pearson Surveys
  • Close Interval Potential Survey (CIPS) technique
  • Direct Current Voltage Gradient (DCVG) technique
  • Signal Attenuation Coating (SAC) Survey
  • Common Impressed Current Rectifier Problems
  • Over the Trench Pipe Holiday Inspection

Section X - Instrumentation & Safety Aspects

  • Alkalinity
  • Hydrogen Evolution
  • Chloride Evolution
  • Installation Adjacent to Telecommunication Services
  • Installation Adjacent to Railway Signal & Protection Circuits
  • Interaction at Discontinuities in Cathodically Protected Structures
  • Installation at Jetties & Ships
  • Danger of Electric Shock
  • Installations on Immersed Structures
  • Installations for the Internal Protection of Plant
  • Fault Conditions in Electricity Power Systems
  • Stray Current Corrosion

Section XI - Corrosion Management Systems

  • Economic Considerations
  • Corrosion Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
  • Asset Integrity and Corrosion Management
  • Corrosion Data Management


Registrations are closed
Date & Time
Sunday, September 22, 2024
Start - 10:00 AM (Asia/Kuwait)
Thursday, September 26, 2024
End - 10:00 AM (Asia/Kuwait)

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