Safety Case Development & Application


Registrations are closed

Safety Case Development & Application

1,950.000 KD
Safety Case Development & Application
26 - 30 Jan 2025
Madrid, Spain

This highly-interactive training course outlines the essential elements of a Safety Case. These will be developed, each in turn, in interactive workshops, giving delegates an excellent insight into the depth and breadth of the information that is incorporated in a Safety Case.


After attending this training course, delegates will be able to:

·         Understand the essential features of a Safety Case

·         Enable to apply the Safety Case process back at the delegate’s own workplace

·         Ensure compliance with applicable safety legislation

·         Identify who is tasked with which critical task in the delegate’s own workplace

·         Develop a meaningful program to ensure the critical tasks are properly executed

Training Methodology:

This training course will use a variety of proven adult learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension and retention of the information presented. This includes the following methodology:

·         Lectures, incorporating slides and videos

·         Hand-outs/case studies

·         Workshop sessions

·         Role playing

·         Verbal and written assessments


This training course will greatly benefit the following professionals:

·         HSE personnel

·         Managers and Supervisors at all levels

·         Personnel who are assigned Critical Tasks

·         Design Engineers of all disciplines

·         Technical and non-technical personnel wishing to increase knowledge on the subject

Course Outline:

Day 1: Introduction to Safety Cases

·         What comprises a Safety Case

·         What led to the Safety Case development – Piper Alpha video

·         A brief history of the Safety Case

·         Different types of Safety Cases

·         The essential features of a Safety Case

·         Glossary of terms to be used on this course

·         Description of the LPG depot to be used as the practical model for this course

Workshop 1: Draw up a Safety Policy for the LPG Depot

Day 2: Major Hazard Analysis

·         Recap of previous day’s work

·         Short verbal assessment

·         Risk assessments in general

Workshop 2: HAZID of the LPG Depot

·         Major Hazard Industry explained

·         MHA Techniques explained

Workshop 3: Develop an MHA of the LPG Depot

Day 3: Bow Ties

·         Recap of previous day’s work

·         Short verbal assessment

·         Bow Ties explained

·         Develop the major hazard scenarios for the LPG depot

·         Develop the preventive and mitigation measures employed

·         Develop the tasks required to be undertaken to maintain these safeguards

Workshop 4: Develop Bow Ties for the MHA’s

Day 4: Critical Tasks

·         Recap of previous day’s work

·         Short verbal assessment

·         Critical Tasks explained

Workshop 5: Develop Critical tasks for the LPG Depot

·         Role play of Critical Task executors – how they will do their tasks

·         Need for proof of action taken explained

·         Various method for providing such proof explained

Workshop 6: Draw up an auditable schedule of Critical Tasks having been performed

 Day 5: Critical Task Executor training

·         Recap of previous day’s work

·         Knowledge of things that would aid the executors of critical tasks

Workshop 7: Draw up a training course outline for the executors of critical tasks

·         Recap of all the work/activities done

Assessment of enhanced knowledge and competency

·         Written assessment

·         Marking the assessment papers – by delegates

·         In-depth discussion of the answers


Registrations are closed
Date & Time
Sunday, January 26, 2025
Start - 9:00 PM (Asia/Kuwait)
Thursday, January 30, 2025
End - 3:00 AM (Asia/Kuwait)

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