International Oil Supply, Transportation, Refining & Trade


International Oil Supply, Transportation, Refining & Trade

1,400.000 KD
International Oil Supply, Transportation, Refining & Trade
26 - 31 Jan 2025
Cairo, Egypt

What are the Goals?

By the end of this training course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand Upstream oil exploration, production & supply principles and practices
  • Understand refining process, compute refinery gross and net margins
  • Understand LP models, and develop crude oil selection criteria
  • Apply petroleum economics, calculate financial benchmarks and prioritize projects  
  • Estimate costs, negotiate and compare physical deals and help write contracts for the sale of crude oil and refined products 
  • Use Worldscale reference to charter a ship and to calculate the profitability 
  • Understand the international markets, their risks and how prices are formed and disseminated
  • Understand the hedging instruments, determine the price risk exposure and manage price risk.  
  • Acquire legal and regulatory issues relating to the International aspects of oil trading

Who is this Training Course for?

This training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:

  • Business Development managers
  • Corporate Planning professionals
  • Lawyers & law firms’ personnel
  • Geoscientists & Engineers
  • Refiners
  • Bankers, accountants
  • Auditors
  • Members of Board and Senior Oil Executives 
  • Media personnel who interface with traders and trading
  • Government regulators
  • Tax & finance advisors
  • Auditors
  • Compliance officers
  • Equity & Financial Analysts and Bankers
  • Joint Venture officers
  • Contract Negotiators

Daily Agenda

Day One: Essential Upstream Practices 

  • Introduction to the course
  • Introduction to how oil was formed
    • Origin, Accumulation And Migration Of Petroleum
    • Essential Requirements For Hydrocarbon Accumulation
  • Fundamentals of Oil & Gas Geology and Petroleum Engineering
    • Introduction To Oil & Gas Geology
    • Simple Anticline Structural Trap
    • Barrier or Closure – Reservoir Traps - Reservoir Mapping
    • Oil & Gas Drilling Techniques
    • Types Of Drilling – Exploration, Delineation, Appraisal, Developmental, Maintain Potential Wells
    • Drilling Circulatory System – Safety And Environmental Impact
  • Well Logging and Well Completion
    • Tools and Techniques for Evaluating Oil & Gas Wells
    • Open and Cased Well Logs
    • Functions of Well Casing
    • Benefits of Horizontal Well over Vertical well - Multilateral Well Completions
  • Essence of International Oil Supply – Global Reserves, Production & Trade
    • Introduction to global oil business - Exploration, Extraction, Refining, Marketing, Transportation
    • Global Oil Resources – World Oil and Gas Reserves, Production of Oil and Gas
    • Industry units – for the USA, Europe and Asia, Conversion factors
    • Crude Oil Classifications
    • Crude Oil Quality Indictors, crude oil characterization by Assays
    • Crude Oil Distillation – Refined Products
    • Oil Industry Units and Conversion factors
  • Fundamentals of Oil Economics
    • Delivered price of crude oil – the concept GPW (Gross Product Worth)
    • Net Refining Margin calculation
    • Value of Crude Oil and the Determining Factors in Crude Selection

Day Two: Crude Oil Trading

  • The Evolution of International Oil Pricing System – The Big Picture
    • Introduction
    • Evolution of Crude Oil Pricing System
    • The Era of the Posted Price
    • The Pricing System Challenged by Independent Oil
    • The Emergence & Consolidation OPEC Administered Pricing System
    • The Changing Landscape for IOC’s/NOC’s
    • The Collapse of the OPEC Administered Pricing – Net Back Pricing
    • The Market-Related Oil Pricing System and Formulae Pricing
    • Spot Markets, Long Term Contracts and Formula Pricing
    • Benchmarks in Formulae Pricing
    • Oil Price Reporting Agencies and Price Discovery Process
    • The Brent Market and its Layers
    • The US Benchmarks
    • The Dubai-Oman Market
  • Trading Physical Crude Oil and its Logistics – Chap 2 CON
    • Trading Fundamentals and Trading Terminology
    • Impact of Production Sharing Contracts and its components
      • Fiscal Tools
      • Cost Recovery Component
      • Profit Oil Component
      • Royalty and Tax
      • Tax Implications – Ring Fencing
      • Market Price
    • Joint Operating Agreements
    • Transportation Agreements
      • Tariffs
      • Value Adjustment Mechanism
      • Terminal Logistics
      • Floating Platform Storage Operations
    • Crude Oil Lifting Agreements
    • Marine Vessel Nomination
    • Physical Sales and Purchase Agreements
    • Freight Contracts
      • Freight Costs
      • Laytime
      • Demurrage
  • The Dissection of Crude Oil Price
    • First Component - the Absolute Price
    • What are Benchmark crudes
      • Brent
      • WTI
      • ASCI
      • Dubai/Oman
      • TAPIS
      • ESPO
    • Criteria for Ideal Benchmarks
    • The Regulation of Benchmark Crudes
    • Determination of Absolute Value of Crude
      • Forwards and Future
      • Brent Chains
      • Credit Security and Forward Market
    • The Futures Market and Absolute Value of Oil
      • Initial Margin
      • Variation Margin
      • Physical Delivery
      • Exchange for Physical Delivery
    • Hedging the Absolute Value of Crude Oil
      • Basic Hedging Theory
      • Practical Considerations
      • Dated Brent Risk Hedged with Forward Brent Contract
      • Floating Priced Hedging
    • Speculation
  • Oil Price Formula – The 2nd Component - Time Differential
    • Arbitrage
    • Swap - the “Contract for Difference”
    • What is the right time to set the price?
    • What goes on when two traders transact a deal?
    • CFD and the time value in Oil Price
    • Value Fixation
    • Floating Fixing or Hedging value of Oil
    • Hedging and the Slope of the Forward  Oil Curve
    • The Term Contract Pricing of Oil
  • Oil Price Formula – The 3rd Component - Grade Differential
    • The Crude Oil Grade
    • The Crude Oil Quality
    • The Crude Discount
    • The Refining Assay
      • Paraffinic
      • Naphthenic
      • Refining processes
    • The Gross Product Worth
    • Location and Freight
  • Price Risk Management - Hedging the Crude Oil Price
    • The Types of Risks
    • The Strategic Hedging
    • Operational Hedging
    • Risk Management Considerations
      • Correlations and Basis Rick
      • Tax Basis Risk
    • Choosing The Right Tools
      • The Company Risk Profile
      • The Company Risk Appetite
      • Market Price View
    • When to Close a Hedge
    • When Strategic Hedge Go Operational
    • Swaps
    • Options
      • Premium
      • Option Style
      • Option Strategy
      • The Zero Cost Collar
    • Option Valuation
    • Summary

Day Three: Refined Products Trading 

  • The Trading Refined Products
    • Light Distillate
    • Middle Distillate
    • Fuel Oil
    • Other products
    • Participants in Refined Products Trading
    • Arbitrage
    • The 24/7 Market
    • The Roll of Traders
    • The importance of Location
    • Transportation and Operations
    • Pricing and the Netback War
    • Pricing Policies Latest Trends
    • Price Fixing
    • Storage
    • Types of Oil Products
    • Supply/Demand Balance
    • Production, Consumption and Refinery Capacity
      • Light Distillate


      • Middle Distillate
      • Fuel Oil
      • Other products
    • Future Trends
    • Environmental Products
  • Refining I – Basics
    • Simple Chemistry for Non-Chemists
      • Paraffin
      • Olefins
      • Napthenes
      • Aromatics
      • Catalysts
    • Crude Oil Properties
      • API and Sulfur
      • Acid
      • Salt
      • Water
      • Metals
      • Other
    • The Crude Oil Assay
    • Basic Refining Processes
      • Separation
      • Treatment 
      • Upgrading Conversion
    • Blending Refinery Economics
      • Gross Product worth
      • GPW and refiner Margin
      • Team Work
  • Refining II – Conventional Refinery Upgrading
    • Cat Cracking
    • Hydrocracking
    • Visbreaking
    • Coking  
  • Oil Products and their Qualities
    • Physical Oil Products and the Grade Value of  Crude
    • Quality
    • Petroleum Gases
      • Methane
      • Ethane
      • Propane
      • Butane
    • Light Distillate
      • Naphtha
      • Gasoline
    • Middle Distillate
      • Kerosene
      • Gas Oil
      • Diesel
    • Fuel Oil
    • Straight Run Fuel
    • Cracked Fuel Oil
    • LSWR
    • Bunker Fuel Oil
    • Specialty Products
      • Lubes
      • Waxes
      • Bitumen
      • Coke/Carbon Black
  • Oil Logistics and the Art of Trade
    • Delivering Oil Products
      • Shipping
      • Pipeline
      • Rail Car
      • Road Truck
    • Delivery Term 
    • Other Pricing Bases for Refined Products
    • Oil Contracts
      • Split Weekends
      • Counterparties
      • Grade/Quality
      • Quantity
      • Delivery
      • Price
      • Payment Clause
      • Irrevocable Documentary Letter of Credit
      • Standby Letter of Credit
      • Parent Company Guarantee
      • Open Credit
      • Dispute Resolution
      • Nominations
      • Vetting
    •  Storage 
  • The Price of Refined Oil Products
    • History of Oil Prices and How the Benchmarks evolved
    • The Components of the Oil Price
    • The Absolute Value of Products Price: the Role of Benchmark
      • The Characteristics of Bench Marks
      • Choosing the Right Benchmark: Price Reporting Agencies
      • The Bid-Offer Spread
      • Regulatory Oversight?
      • The Regulatory Investigation
    • The Time Differential Value of Product Price
      • Bulls and Bears
      • The Contango Arbitrage
    •  Trading the Time Spread: Contango without Getting Physical
    • The Value of Product Grade Differential

Day Four: The Risk Management

  • Oil Products Price Risk Management
  • Measuring Risk
    • Strategic Hedging
    • What is a Hedge
    • What is a Hedge Loss
    • Hedging and Speculation Compared
    • The Role of Risk Manager
    • Operational Hedging
    • The Long and the Short of it
    • Opening and Closing Hedges
    • Basis Risk
  • The Forward Market
  • The Future Market
  • The Swaps Market
  • The Options
    • The Size of the Premium
    • The Option Style
    • The Zero Cost Collar
  • Crack Spreads

Day Five: Legal and Regulatory

  • Legal and Regulatory Issues
    • Contractual
    • Regulatory
  • International
    • International Aspects of Oil Trading
    • Special Trade Terms
    • Standardization of Terms
    • International Sales of Goods
    • General Trade Laws
    • World Trade Organization
    • Financial Issues
    • Banks’s Role
    • Shipping Laws
    • Marine Insurance
    • Dispute Resolution
    • Impact of National Laws
    • US an UN Trade Sanctions
    • Sovereign Immunity
  • United States
    • Oil Trading in the US
    • General Commercial
    • Anti-Trust Legislation
    • Sovereign Immunity Act
    • Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
    • Commodity Trading Law
    • Specific Contracts
      • Futures & Options Contracts
      • Exchange of Futures for Physical (EFP)
      • Swaps
  • United Kingdom
    • Oil Trading in the UK
    • General Commercial Law
    • Competitive Law
    • Finance and Banking Law
    • Protection of Trading Interest Act
    • Financial Services Law
    • International Petroleum Exchange
  • Singapore
    • Oil Trading in Singapore
    • Singapore Exchange
    • Comparison with London and New York
  • Controlling Financial Risk
    • What is trading Risk?
    • Other Potential Sources of Loss
    • What are Characteristics of Energy Markets
    • Determination of Risk
    • Operations
    • Conclusions


Date & Time
Sunday, January 26, 2025
Start - 8:00 PM (Asia/Kuwait)
Friday, January 31, 2025
End - 2:00 AM (Asia/Kuwait)

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