Compliance Regulatory Professionals


Compliance Regulatory Professionals

Compliance Regulatory Professionals
01 - 05 Dec 2024
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
United Arab Emirates

What are the Goals?

By the end of this Compliance Regulatory Professionals training course, you will be able to:

  • Understand the objectives & roles of regulation
  • Understand the responsibilities of compliance
  • Develop a good understanding of compliance principles
  • Understand the concept of Compliance and the efforts being made to manage the risk related to it
  • Have the skills required to approach compliance and its related functions with confidence
  • Identify and understand compliance risks, and the consequences of noncompliance, to mitigate effectively the risk of compliance breaches
  • Develop an appropriate Compliance Manual
  • Create a compliance culture
  • Protect the organization’s reputation
  • The relationship between Compliance and Corporate Governance
  • Develop compliance programs to fight money laundering practices, and to apply Corporate Governance rules
  • Develop best strategies to help managers and prevent risk within your firm

Who is this Training Course for?

This Compliance Regulatory Professionals training course is designed to deliver the knowledge and skills, providing details of the latest policies and procedures to:

  • Compliance Officers / Managers and their Deputies
  • Managers with responsibility for internal compliance controls
  • Legal, Audit, Risk, Operations and IT Specialists
  • Risk Managers
  • Staff working in risk functions
  • Internal & External Audit Staff
  • Regulatory Representatives
  • AML Officers
  • Accountants
  • Lawyers
  • All Staff working in or aspiring to work in the compliance area

Daily Agenda

Day One: The Regulatory Environment and the Role of Regulators 

  • An Overview of the Regulatory Environment
  • The Objectives of Financial Services Regulation
  • International Regulation
  • The Role of the Regulators
  • What do the Regulators expect?
  • Your Jurisdiction Environment
  • The Best Practice in Regulatory Obligation
  • ISO 19600: Compliance Management Systems

Day Two: The Compliance Functions  

  • Compliance Structure
  • The Role of the Board of Directors, the Supervisors, the Internal and External Auditors
  • Responsibilities of the Compliance Officer
  • Key Compliance Activities and Processes
  • Compliance and Corporate Governance
  • Corporate Governance and Financial Crime Prevention
  • Compliance Training
  • Conflicts of Interest
  • Ongoing Compliance with Laws and Regulations

Day Three: Risk Management and Compliance Risk 

  • Understanding a Risk Management Approach
  • Creating a Risk Management Approach
  • The Definition of Governance, Risk and Compliance
  • The Need for Internal Controls
  • Identify, Mitigate and Control Risks Effectively
  • Approaches to Risk Assessment
  • The Importance of Compliance Culture
  • Managing Key Relationships – external and internal

Day Four: Establishing an Effective Compliance Function 

  • Factors to be Considered in Designing a Compliance System
  • Developing an Internal Compliance System
  • Implementing and Communicating Internal Compliance Arrangement
  • Compliance Manual
  • Establishing Policies and Procedures
  • Creating a Compliance Monitoring Program
  • The Need for Independence
  • Record Keeping ƒ Compliance Reports
  • Managing the Regulators and Change in Regulations

Day Five: Managing the Risk of Money Laundering and Financial Crimes

  • Understanding Money Laundering Offenses
  • MLRO and Compliance Officer
  • The Risk-based Approach to Money Laundering / Terrorist Financing
  • Suspicious Activity Monitoring, Detection and Reporting
  • Preventing Fraud
  • Bribery and Corruption
  • Insider Trading
  • Market Abuse
  • Sanctions and their Role in the Global Economy


Date & Time
Sunday, December 1, 2024
Start - 11:00 AM (Asia/Kuwait)
Thursday, December 5, 2024
End - 11:00 AM (Asia/Kuwait)

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