Advanced Data Management for Oil and Gas Professionals


Advanced Data Management for Oil and Gas Professionals

Advanced Data Management for Oil and Gas Professionals
08 - 12 Dec 2024
Cairo, Egypt

What are the Goals?

This training course focuses on presenting the delegates with the opportunity to learn the essentials of data governance, ensuring the data quality, how to gather and maintain the well data, how are wells identified and classified, geospatial data collection and management, data security, record retention and data transfer and results communication. The whole course helps delegates prepare for the role of Petroleum Data Analyst and can help delegates in their certification as data analysts. 

At the end of this Advanced Data Management for Oil and Gas Professionals training course, you will:

  • Learn to identify the impact of data governance on the enterprise
  • Acquire the knowledge about data vendors and data domains
  • Get acquainted with the legal requirements for well identification
  • Learn how to prepare and implement the strategies of data security
  • Be able to determine data retention schedule
  • Identify the legal documents defining the master data management
  • Learn how to gather, transform and use the spatial data
  • Identify the relations between the master data management and Exploration and Production

Who is this Training Course for?

This training course has been designed for professionals whose jobs involve the data gathering, data analysis, decision making, and are focused on either becoming Petroleum Data Analysts, certified or not, or fully using the benefits of Petroleum Data Analysis in their company business.

This Advanced Data Management for Oil and Gas Professionals training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit: 

  • Petroleum Data Analysts
  • Systems analysts
  • Programmers
  • Data analysts
  • Database administrators
  • Project leaders
  • Software engineers
  • Managers
  • Any professional involved in Data Analytics

Daily Agenda

Day One: Master Data Management
  • Data Lifecycle Management
  • The data as enterprise asset
  • Metadata
  • Data retention requirements
  • Data governance frameworks
    • DGI
    • DAMA
Day Two: Data Gathering and Data Quality 
  • Data sources
  • Applicable data rules for well identification and classification
  • Professional Petroleum Data Management (PPDM) data model
  • Data management functions
Day Three: Geospatial Data 
  • Geospatial data architecture
  • Geospatial data repositories
  • Software for geospatial data gathering and analysis
  • Geographic Information Systems (GIS) related databases
  • Geomatics data quality
  • Geospatial data storage, analysis and retention
Day Four: Master Data Management and Referencing in Exploration & Production (E&P) 
  • Exploration & Production (E&P) terminology
  • Master data
  • Reference data
  • Data warehouse architecture and Business Intelligence
    • Business Conceptual Model
    • Logical Data Model
    • Physical Data Model
  • Database administration
  • Data warehouse administration
Day Five: Data Management, Risks and Security 
  • The CIA triad - Confidentiality, integrity and availability of the data
  • Data security policy
  • Data security standards and procedures
  • Data security audit
  • Data security on the Cloud
  • Interaction between the stakeholders, users, clients and government agencies


Date & Time
Sunday, December 8, 2024
Start - 11:00 AM (Asia/Kuwait)
Thursday, December 12, 2024
End - 11:00 AM (Asia/Kuwait)

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