Workplace Diversity and Talent Management


تم إغلاق التسجيلات

Workplace Diversity and Talent Management

Workplace Diversity and Talent Management
08 - 12 يوليو 2024
Istanbul, تركيا

Workplace Diversity and Talent Management


Effective management of diversity can lead to improved talent management, as it is easier to attract and retain talent to benefit businesses. This can solve long-term problems within a business because a diverse workforce thinks differently, ensuring that problems are more likely to be recognized and addressed.

Participants will develop the following competencies:

·         Develop skills and learn approaches needed to shape an organization-wide diversity and talent management strategy

·         Develop leadership skills in order to take ownership of and be role model for an organization-wide diversity and talent management strategy

·         Help your team find creative solutions to workplace diversity and talent management


This Workplace Diversity and Talent Management training course aims to enable participants to achieve the following objectives:

·         Understand the importance of talent management for organizations

·         Identify global emerging challenges and trends in talent management

·         Compare and contrast different countries and their TM practices and challenges

·         Explain the drivers for diversity management – The Case for Equality and Diversity

·         Identify equality and diversity legislation

·         Understand the relevance of leadership for diversity management

·         Understand your role and leadership skills needed in implementing diversity

·         Understand what and how to monitor

·         Extend their understanding of diversity management and the importance of diversity management for successful talent management


·         HR professionals, practitioners and personnel

·         Manpower development department personnel

·         Senior Managers who want to see the value that diversity and talent management can add to an organization

·         Those who need to develop adequate strategic support in tackling diversity and talent management in their organization

·         Anyone who needs to understand talent management and diversity management processes to successfully support the organization


Day 1: Introduction to Workplace Diversity and Talent Management

·         Introduction and objectives

·         How is workplace diversity relevant for talent management?

·         Brief introduction: The talent management concept

·         What is diversity? What is diversity management?

·         Drivers for diversity management using external recognition and image

·         Case study: How to assess your level of diversity and links to talent management

Day 2: Workplace Diversity

·         Understanding unconscious bias that causes problems in diversity

·         Description of diversity management change processes

·         Steps toward diversity as a resource

·         Diversity management implementation principles

·         Diversity audit – a self-assessment tool for companies

·         Voluntary initiatives by companies

·         How to network on diversity management?

Day 3: Leadership for Workplace Diversity

·         Workplace diversity: a leadership challenge?

·         Leadership skills required for workplace diversity

·         How to be a good leader in a diverse workplace

·         Appreciating and promoting Diversity

·         Your role as a leader for workplace diversity

Day 4: How to Win the Ear for Talent?

·         Is Talent a Priority in your organization?

·         Where did talent management come from?

·         Drivers for talent management?

·         Emerging trends in talent management

·         How to win the war for talent?

Day 5: Highlights on Talent Management and How to Integrate Talent Management and Diversity

·         Identify equality and diversity legislation around the world

·         Understand the relevance of leadership for diversity management

·         Highlights on Talent Management

·         Recommendations for talent management

·         How to integrate talent management and diversity?

Action planning and program me review


تم إغلاق التسجيلات
الوقت والتاريخ
الاثنين، 8 يوليو 2024
البداية - 7:30 ص (Europe/Istanbul)
الجمعة، 12 يوليو 2024
النهاية - 3:30 م (Europe/Istanbul)

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