Upstream Petroleum Contracts Accounting & Auditing Policies and Procedures


Upstream Petroleum Contracts Accounting & Auditing Policies and Procedures

Upstream Petroleum Contracts Accounting & Auditing Policies and Procedures
03 - 07 نوفمبر 2024
Cairo, مصر

What are the Goals?

At the end of this training course, you will learn to:

  • Gain a full understanding of the different types of the Upstream Petroleum Contracts
  • Understand the main contractual terms and their differences between the various types of contracts from PSA, Service contracts and others
  • Be aware of the approaches to negotiation of these contracts
  • Incorporate the best terms into these Upstream Petroleum Contracts
  • Develop an understanding of the accounting and auditing standards, policies and practices used by Upstream Petroleum companies
  • Improve relevance and reliability of financial reports to better meet the needs of users
  • Review and use publicly available information for benchmarking the business performance
  • Understand the role and function of an Internal Audit Department
  • Understand audit risk and efficiently plan, control and record an audit assignment

Who is this Training Course for?

This training course is appropriate to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:

  • Senior contract negotiators and managers
  • Legal managers, legal counsel
  • Commercial and business managers
  • Contracts administrators, and managers
  • Commercial, financial and insurance professionals
  • Project and General Management personnel
  • Corporate Accountants, Financial Controllers, Treasury Officers, Management Accountants
  • Finance Staff in General Accounting, Payables, Receivables, Inventory, Fixed Assets, etc.
  • Joint Venture Accountants and Auditors
  • External, Financial and Internal Auditors
  • Government Regulators and Auditors
  • Financial and Investment Analysts

Daily Agenda

Module 1: Upstream Petroleum Contracts

Introduction and Overview of Upstream Petroleum Contracts

  • Brief overview of the O&G industry
  • Oil and gas terminology
  • The legal framework to Upstream Contracts
  • Introduction to contract formation
  • Key oil and gas terminology
  • Oil and gas industry structure
  • Relationship between different players in the oil and gas industry
  • Phases of the oil and gas industry
  • Oil and gas contract fundamentals and legal principles
  • Territorial water, continental shelf and United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS)

Contracting in the Upstream Sector: Ownership and Licensing

  • Ownership and exploitation of reserves
    • The ABCs of Petroleum Contracts: License-Concession Agreements, Joint Ventures, and Production-sharing Agreements
    • Characteristics of upstream contracts
    • Commercial realities of the oil and gas business
    • Agreement with resource holders
    • Ownership of oil and gas
    • Risk Service Contracts (RSCs)
    • Grant of rights by resource holder
  • Host country's legal and regulatory framework and fiscal regime; stabilization
    • Role of host government
    • Key Issues in international oil and gas contracts
    • Negotiation framework and strategy; objectives of host countries/NOCs and IOCs
  •  Host Government’s Role in Upstream (Exploration & Production (E&P)) Agreements
    • Overview of upstream operations and E&P agreements (types and trends by region)
    • Key differences between Production Sharing Contracts (PSCs), concessions, service contracts and JV contracts
    • Role of Host Government in Upstream Contracts

Production sharing contracts (PSC) & Joint Operating Agreements (JOA)

  • Commercial Terms in Licensing and Concession Agreements
    • Fiscal Arrangements, License Fees
    • Five Key Financial Aspects to a PSC:
  1. Royalty, The R factor
  2. Cost Oil
  3. Profit Oil
  4. Taxation
  5. Bonuses, Penalties
  • PSC – Cash Flow Distribution
  • PSC – CF Distribution Example – Year N+1
  • Comparison of Fiscal Systems
  • Joint Operating Agreements (JOAs)
    • What is a Joint Operating Agreement (JOA)?
    • Nature, Aim and Functions of a Joint Venture
    • Government Approval
    • Key Areas of the JOA
    • Purpose and Scope: Participating Interests

    Service Contracts, Farm-In and Farm-Out and Unitization - Risk bearing and Non- Risk Bearing Service Contracts

    • Participation Agreements (Farm-in and Farm-out)
      • Agreements for Farm-ins and Farm-outs
      • Nature of the Farm-out
      • Subject Matter of the Farm-out
      • Interest Assigned and Reserved
      • Assignment of Interest
    • Unitization and Unit Operating Agreements (UUOAs)
      • What is unitization?
      • Unitization in Practice
      • Government Approval
      • Transboundary Unitization

    Negotiating Production Sharing Contracts 

    • Government Take
    • Production Share and Cost Recovery
    • Local Content
    • Force Majeure
    • Dispute Resolution
    • Stabilization and Renegotiation Provisions

    Negotiation Simulation Exercise

    • Negotiation a PSA with a Government Entity
    • Objective: The objective is to establish what can be achieved in the meeting, what preparation is needed for it and what strategy should be adopted and then to pursue this strategy
    • Feedback Session

    Negotiation of Oil and Gas Disputes

    • Importance of Negotiation in Oil and Gas Business
    • Disadvantages of Competitive or Positional Negotiation
    • Principled Negotiation between the Parties to Achieve Best Results

    Module 2: Upstream Petroleum Accounting

    Major Accounting & Auditing Issues in the Upstream Petroleum Sector

    • The latest Accounting & Auditing Issues facing the sector
    • The impact of commodity prices, currency & interest rate fluctuations and political and environmental developments.
    • The impact of financial and accounting issues on Strategic Development and Growth within the sector
    • The Annual Reports & Financial Statements of leading international Petroleum companies
    • An Overview of IFRS in relation to Upstream Oil & Gas Accounting
    • The Role of Auditing

    Accounting for Revenue & Costs in the Upstream Petroleum Sector 

    • Revenue Recognition & IFRS 15: Revenue from Contracts with Customers
    • Costs in Acquisition, Exploration, Development and Production
    • IFRS 6: Exploration for and Evaluation of Mineral Assets
    • Accounting Approaches - The "Successful Efforts" (SE) Method or the "Full Cost" (FC) Method
    • Break Even Oil, Cost Oil & Profit Oil
    • Evaluating Profitability of leading international Oil & Gas companies

    Accounting for Assets in the Upstream Petroleum Sector 

    • Reserves & Resources
    • IAS 16: Property, Plant and Equipment
    • Depletion, Depreciation & Amortisation (“DD&A”)
    • IAS 36: Impairment of Assets
    • IAS 37 – 39 : Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets; Intangible Assets and Financial Instruments
    • Evaluating the Assets & Reserves of leading international Petroleum companies

    Creative Accounting, Corporate Governance & Auditing

    • Creative Accounting
    • Corporate Governance
    • Published Financial Statements
    • The Role of the Board & Audit Committee
    • External Auditing - reporting to investors in the Oil & Gas industry
    • Internal Auditing - Defining and Developing the Internal Audit Process

    The Internal Audit Function  

    • Establishing the Roles & Staff within the Internal Audit Dept.
    • The Various Types of Audits
    • Planning & Commencing Internal Audit Examinations
    • Controls & Substantive Tests
    • Communicating Audit Findings
    • The Audit Exit Conference Meeting & Post-Audit Reviews