Rotating Equipment


Rotating Equipment

Rotating Equipment
19 - 23 يناير 2025
Barcelona, إسبانيا

What are the Goals?

By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand different types of pumps, compressors and turbines.
  • Operate pumps, compressors and turbines close to the design efficiency.
  • Monitor pump compressor and turbine reliability and availability and cost effectiveness
  • Select the best operation and maintenance strategy
  • Troubleshoot pump, compressor and turbine problems

Who is this Training Course for?

This course is designed to benefit all levels of Technical Personnel in the oil and gas industry as well as in chemical and process industries but will greatly benefit:

  • Technical Personnel in charge of production
  • Maintenance and Operation Engineers
  • Operators
  • Supervisors
  • Engineering Managers

Daily Agenda

Day One: Compression Principles

  • Principles of Compression
  • Ranges of Application
  • Centrifugal Compressors
  • Reciprocating Compressors
  • Rotary Compressors
  • Workshop: Examples and Solutions

Day Two: Compressors: Elements and Technical Characteristics

  • Centrifugal Compressors
  • Axial Compressors
  • Compressor Packages
  • Reciprocating Compressors
  • Rotary Compressors
  • Workshop: Examples and Solutions

Day Three: Pumps: Elements and Technical Characteristics

  • Types of Fluids and Range of Application
  • Centrifugal pumps:
  • Axial Pumps
  • Reciprocating Pumps
  • Rotary Pumps
  • Workshop: Examples and Solutions

Day Four: Start up and Operation of Compressors and Pumps

  • Centrifugal and Axial Compressors
  • Reciprocating and Rotary Compressors
  • Centrifugal and Axial Pumps
  • Reciprocating and Rotary Pumps
  • Workshop: Examples and Solutions

Day Five: Maintenance and Troubleshooting of Rotating Equipment

  • Centrifugal and Axial Compressors
  • Reciprocating and Rotary Compressors
  • Centrifugal and Axial Pumps
  • Reciprocating and Rotary Pumps
  • Course Summary and Review


الوقت والتاريخ
الأحد، 19 يناير 2025
البداية - 11:00 ص (Asia/Kuwait)
الخميس، 23 يناير 2025
النهاية - 11:00 ص (Asia/Kuwait)

إضافة إلى التقويم




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