Natural Gas Development: Contract & Legal Consideration


تم إغلاق التسجيلات

Natural Gas Development: Contract & Legal Consideration

Natural Gas Development: Contract & Legal Consideration
14 - 18 يوليو 2024
Barcelona, إسبانيا

What are the Goals?

At the end of this Natural Gas Development training course, the participants will learn to:

  • Formation of relevant contracts, remedies, and terminations
  • Key industry players and the commercial realities of the business, including contractual parameters
  • A practitioner’s insight into common contractual pitfalls in key gas contracts
  • Negotiate gas contracts profitably, with a clear understanding of insurance provisions, liability, and indemnity clauses
  • Enhance the ability to draft and negotiate force majeure clauses
  • Draft and apply effective dispute resolution clause in gas contracts

Who is this Training Course for?

This Natural Gas Development training course is suitable for a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:     

  • Senior and Middle-Level Commercial Managers
  • Commercial Lawyers
  • Risk Managers
  • Energy Purchasing Managers
  • Strategy Managers
  • Pipeline Marketing Managers
  • Operations Managers
  • Project Managers
  • Senior Government Officials and Regulators

Daily Agenda

Day One: Dynamics of Gas Business and English Contracts

  • Introduction to Gas (Petroleum) Contracts
  • Key Terms and Definitions
    • Downstream
    • Midstream
    • Upstream
  • General principles of oil and gas contract law
  • Key players in the international oil and gas industry
  • Understanding Contracts
  • Contracts Formation & Interpretation of Contract Terms
  • Contracts Workshop

Day Two: Contracting and Commercial Realities of the Gas Business 

  • Remedies for Breach of Contract
  • Contract termination internationally and in English law
  • Principal standard form contracts used in the industry
    • BIMCO
    • AIEN
  • The key legal contractual risk management issues
  • Contracts for downstream activities
  • The Contractual Process
  • Commercial Realities of Gas Contracts
  • Drafts and Drafting Tips
  • LNG Sales Contracts

Day Three: Essentials of Negotiating Gas Contracts

  • Enforcement of Gas Contracts  
  • Fundamental Legal Principles of Gas Contracts
  • Cultural and Language Issues
  • Global gas market
  • Structuring an LNG Project and Government Role
  • Capacity Building and Local Content
  • LNG Development Environment
  • PSC v. Licenses
  • Workshop: How to negotiate petroleum contracts profitably?

Day Four: Gas Sales and Purchase Agreements: Liabilities and Legal Principles

  • Domestic Gas Sales Agreement
  • LNG Sale and Purchase Agreement
  • Risk Management and LNG Business: Types of Risks and Steps to Mitigate?
  • Transportation and Processing Agreement (TPA)
  • International Practices and Model Contracts
  • Liability Clauses
  • Contractual Indemnity
  • Insurance Provisions
  • Force Majeure in Gas Sales Contracts
  • Termination and Tax

Day Five: Dispute Resolutions of Gas Contracts

  • Tiered Dispute Resolution Mechanisms
  • Formal Dispute Resolution in Gas Contracts
    • Preventing costly litigation through effective use of ADR option
    • Types of dispute resolution vehicles
    • Assessing Litigation vs. Arbitration Options
    • Mediation Considerations
    • Considerations for selecting effective mediators and Arbitrators
    • Selecting arbitration and mediation rules of procedure
  • Drafting effective dispute resolution clause
  • Contract Review, Evaluation, and Lesson Learned
  • Overview and Conclusion


تم إغلاق التسجيلات
الوقت والتاريخ
الأحد، 14 يوليو 2024
البداية - 10:00 ص (Asia/Kuwait)
الخميس، 18 يوليو 2024
النهاية - 10:00 ص (Asia/Kuwait)

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