Modern Maintenance Technologies


Modern Maintenance Technologies

Modern Maintenance Technologies
27 - 31 أكتوبر 2024
Barcelona, إسبانيا

What are the Goals?

At the end of this training course, participants will learn to:

  • Apply modern maintenance technologies & methodologies in the appropriate way
  • Understand how each of these technologies contribute to maintenance efficiency
  • Explain how these technologies interact with and support each other
  • Achieve the best results in practicing these technologies
  • Develop an action plan to utilize these technologies in their own areas of responsibility, fitting them into the overall maintenance strategy and to measure the benefits

Who is this Training Course for?

This training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals involved in the area of maintenance contracts, but will greatly benefit:

  • All professionals involved in Maintenance, Engineering and Production
  • Anyone who wishes to update themselves on Modern Maintenance Technologies, judge the suitability of these technologies for their needs, and learn how to implement them for the benefit of their organizations

Daily Agenda

Day One: Introduction & Overview – Challenging the Traditional Approaches to Maintenance

  • Asset Management: a business-like approach of maintenance
  • Cost/benefit thinking: spending the right amount of maintenance
  • Applying basic optimization tools to support cost/benefit decisions
  • Introduction to risk
  • Risk in maintenance & operations

Day Two: Risk Based Maintenance (RBM) 

  • Deterioration: the way assets could fail
  • Representation of risk
  • The seven steps of Risk Based Maintenance (RBM) – The Methodology
  • Failure behaviour
  • Choosing the right maintenance task

Day Three: Root Cause Analysis (RCA)

  • Multiple realities
  • Subjective views
  • Effective problem solving
  • Cause and effect relations
  • RCA methodologies – Examples and Application

Day Four: Process Audits, Maintenance Assessments & Benchmarking 

  • Where are we now – introduction to process audits, benchmarking & assessments
  • Process audit – basic theory
  • Auditing in practice
  • Maintenance assessment – basic theory
  • Execution of a maintenance assessment of the work planning & control process
  • Benchmarking – basic theory
  • Benchmark studies
  • How to interpret benchmark results

Day Five: Performance Management & Decision Support Tools 

  • Defining performance
  • Applying specific performance indicators and process parameters to measure the performance of assets, activities and processes
  • Performance management: influencing the behaviour of people to gain better results
  • Applying sophisticated decision support tools to optimize maintenance performance


الوقت والتاريخ
الأحد، 27 أكتوبر 2024
البداية - 10:00 م (Asia/Kuwait)
الخميس، 31 أكتوبر 2024
النهاية - 10:00 م (Asia/Kuwait)

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