ISO 17025 & Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS) for Analytical Laboratories


تم إغلاق التسجيلات

ISO 17025 & Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS) for Analytical Laboratories

ISO 17025 & Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS) for Analytical Laboratories
02 - 06 يونيو 2024
Cairo, مصر

What are the Goals?

By the end of this training course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand and implement Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) in their organizations
  • Comprehend the importance of assuring quality of test and calibration results
  • Apply traceability from sample receipt and analysis scheduling until delivery of results, through the implementation of LIMS
  • Design LIMS based on ISO 17025 requirements
  • Realize the need for continuous review and improvement of LIMS systems, based on market and regulatory requirements

Who is this Training Course for?

This training course is suitable for a wide range of professionals involved in Quality Assurance (QA) in analytical laboratories, but will greatly benefit:

  • Management and technical personnel of analytical laboratories, in a wide spectrum of activities (e.g., oil refinery, food and utility industries including potable and wastewater treatment plants, and commercial analytical laboratories)
  • Technicians, Specialists and other personnel involved in laboratories
  • Those laboratories that are in the process of obtaining ISO 17025 accreditation and those planning to implement a LIMS
  • Newly recruited laboratory scientific personnel
  • Laboratory accreditation consultants

Daily Agenda

Day One: Determination of Course Goals & Introduction to ISO 17025 Requirements

  • ISO 17025 Contents
  • Organization – Responsibilities
  • Introduction to Control of Documents & Records – Use of LIMS For Managing Records
  • Requests for Tenders
  • Suppliers/Subcontractors – Detailed Record Keeping Through LIMS
  • LIMS Design – Basic Considerations

Day Two: Service to the Customer & Internal Audits as a Tool for Quality Assurance

  • Service to The Customer - Complaints
  • Control of Non-Conforming Work/Testing
  • Corrective/Preventive Actions – Implementation & Monitoring of Corrective Actions
  • Control of Records
  • Internal Auditing as A Tool for Addressing Complaints & Implementing A Proactive Strategy
  • Management Review

Day Three: Technical Requirements – Personnel and Test Method Development

  • Technical Records – LIMS As A Unique Traceability Tool
  • Personnel (Scientific, Technical, Administrative)
  • Accommodation & Environmental Conditions
  • Test Methods & Method Validation. Estimation of Uncertainty of Measurement
  • Selection of Methods – Laboratory-Developed Methods, Non-Standard Methods
  • Control of Data for All of Above Topics – Use of LIMS As A Data Recording Tool

Day Four: Technical Requirements – Equipment and Quality Assurance

  • Measurement Traceability Through LIMS
  • Equipment – Measurement Traceability, Reference Standards & Reference Materials
  • Sampling – Handling of Test Items & The Role of LIMS As the First Link in The Sample Traceability Chain (From Sample Login to Issue of Test Certificate)
  • In-House Testing & Subcontracted Analysis. Issuing of Relevant Working Forms Using The LIMS
  • Quality Assurance (QA) Of Test Results & Ways of Reporting the Test Results – The LIMS Contribution to Assuring Traceability of QA And Analytical Data

Day Five: Technical Requirements – Test Reports, Implementation of LIMS & Accreditation Requirements

  • Format of Test Certificates & Amendments of Test Certificates – Use of LIMS For Issuing Test Certificates and Keeping Track of Changes
  • Opinions & Interpretations (O&I’s) On Test Certificates
  • Electronic Transmission of Results – LIMS Contribution to Assist in Speedy, Targeted and Foolproof Delivery of Results
  • Preparation & Application for Accreditation


تم إغلاق التسجيلات
الوقت والتاريخ
الأحد، 2 يونيو 2024
البداية - 10:00 ص (Asia/Kuwait)
الخميس، 6 يونيو 2024
النهاية - 10:00 ص (Asia/Kuwait)

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