Fundamentals of LNG


تم إغلاق التسجيلات

Fundamentals of LNG

Fundamentals of LNG
11 - 15 أغسطس 2024
London, المملكة المتحدة
المملكة المتحدة

What are the Goals?

  • Gain an overview and the fundamentals of the entire LNG process chain
  • Understand LNG cargo transfer operations from both ship management and terminal perspectives
  • Understand the trade routing and cargo management options for LNG
  • Consider and select the best options for LNG vessel types and containment systems
  • Make accurate measurements and calculations of LNG custody transfer
  • Examine the impact of various design codes and guidelines on LNG ship and shore transfer management
  • Better manage LNG supply transportation contracts and shipping documents
  • Examine LNG incidents and evaluate tanker safety, associated risks and requirements to better manage your LNG tanker operations
  • Learn in detail about the LNG tanker business and operations

Who is this Training Course for?

This Fundamentals of LNG training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:

  • LNG suppliers, traders and distributors
  • Ship owners and operators
  • Superintendents and safety officers
  • Technical and operations executives
  • Charterers and traders
  • Ship brokers
  • Port and terminal operators
  • P&I club and marine insurance
  • Ship Owners and Managers
  • Offshore Vessel and FPSO Owners and Operators
  • Oil Majors, NOCs and Independents
  • Ship Superintendents and Safety Officers
  • Ship Officers and Crews (Master, Chief Officers, Chief Engineers etc)
  • Loading and Mooring Masters
  • STS Service Providers
  • Liquid Cargo and Bunker Surveyors
  • Ports and Terminal Operators
  • P&I Inspectors and Executives
  • LNG FSU Owners, Managers, Operators
  • Company Assurance Managers and Superintendents

Daily Agenda

Day One: Types of LNG Carriers, Terminals, Storage and Tanks/LNG Treatment and the Science

  • LNG terminal and vessel - main types
  • Vessel design - Moss Rosenberg, Membrane, Steamships
  • Storage design and Gas detections systems
  • The science of LNG - as an energy and power source
  • The IMO involvement
  • Advantages of LNG as an energy source
  • Co2 and Emission Control Technology [E.C.T]
  • Carbon Capture and Storage and LNF designs for the future. Are we there yet?
  • Boil Off Gas characteristics and dual fuel options
  • Diesel, Electric and LNG powered vessel systems on the market
  • LNG Technical comparisons and containment systems
  • Regasification terminal locations, Land based, Regas vessels
  • Treatment of LNG and methods
  • Specific Characteristics of LNG
  • LNG - What is it and why do we want more of it?

Applicable Safety Codes and Charterer’s Requirements

  • International Gas Code vessel descriptions »» LNG Tank Type »» LNG Vessel types
  • International Safety Management, ISM Code and the basic requirements and training
  • Safety Management Systems [SMS] in the LNG Field
  • Vessel and On board LNG procedures and training
  • S.P - International Ship and Port Security Codes and Regional security issues
  • Tanker Management Self-Assessment
  • What is the TMA, who is it for?
  • TMA Overview of elements and stages
  • How the TMSA is used
  • The SIRE inspection system. What is it and why have it for LNG?

Day Two: The Stages of LNG Cargo Cycle 

  • What are the stages?
  • Why do we have them?
  • What do they achieve?
  • Regasification terminal locations - Land based Regas vessels System
  • Overview: typical schemes and operating principles
  • LNG Transfer system design and parameters Contributors to Boil off Gas

Preparation of Cargo Cycle – LNG Terminal Compatibility Studies

  • Roles and responsibility of terminal in LNG cargo transfer
  • Terminal loading and discharging
  • Ship-to-Shore operations interfaces
  • Compatibility forms

Contracted LNG Cargo Operations and Development of LNG

  • LNG Cargo Transfer checklists and forms required
  • LNG Cargo Transfer equipment required
  • LNG Cargo hazards, safety and risks that exist
  • LNG Cargo controls
    • Roles of Fibre Optics in LNG Transfer and operations
    • LNG Cargo training required for personnel (LNG Preparations forms)

Day Three: LNG Transfer Systems -Naval Architecture [Ship Design] and Available New Technologies 

  • Ship to Ship to shore Transfer systems - Naval Architecture [ship systems] and the Terminal interface
  • Ship to Platform Transfer systems - Naval Architecture [ship systems] and the Terminal interface
  • Ship to Ship Transfer Systems - Naval Architecture [ship systems] and the vessel interface
  • Ship connected transfer systems and tandem configurations for ship to ship
  • System Uptime considerations of effective operations
  • Meteocean conditions, prediction tools and weather monitoring
  • Typical Terminal LNG Operations 

LNG Operations – Tanker Loading and Discharging Operations and Preparations

  • Arrival preparations and checklists
    • LNG Loading Arms Abilities – Technology, vendors and designs
    • Sensor Technologies and Latest Cryogenic Hose designs, testing and type 8 inch and 6 Inch
    • Dynamic Positioning what is it and why do we have it DP 1. DP 2 And DP 2
    • Manoeuvring with and without tug assistance or DP
    • Jetty Approaches – Finger or Face Terminal Design Interface
  • LNG Pre-loading procedures alongside
  • Ramp up, loading and ramp down, actions and precautions
    • LNG Ramp up, increasing loading rate
    • Tank loading procedures
    • Ramp down and the topping off tanks process
    • Return ad Vapour pressure control
  • LNG Post loading operations
    • Commencement of gas burning and line disconnection
  • Checklists and Pre-arrival preparations, terminal requirements and ship line cool down
  • Discharging and ramp down, heel options
    • Overview of standard discharge operations
    • Ramp down for heel distribution option
  • Discharging operations

Safety and Risk Management

  • Recent industry incidents highlighted- LNG Spill and Discharges worldwide.
  • What have we learnt?
  • Human Error and factors in the LNG industry
  • Latent Engineering Design Failures in the LNG industry
  • LNG - OEM faults
  • Common causes of these incidents

Day Four: ESD 1 and 2 Design Codes and Operations 

Alarm Settings ESD Actions

  • ESD 1 systems and what is it
  • ESD 2 what are the differing systems
  • Required crew training and preparations
  • Hazards and Risks moving forward »» Geographical hazards »» Crew factor

Water Curtain Operations and Tests Theory and Potential Damages

  • Ship and shore requirements
  • Preparing for the future incidents
  • Contingency planning
  • Salvage of an LNG vessel
  • Considerations for cargo recovery
  • Environmental impact
  • Technical equipment development
  • Risk profiling of your operations
  • What response is required?
  • Safety Management Systems and Options
  • LNG Spill Responses 

SIMPOS – Simultaneous Operations (LNG Transfers and Operations)

  • Considerations when performing SIMPOS
  • HAZARD and Risk when performing LNG SIMOPS
  • Day and Night operations
  • Ship to Ship operations
  • 24 Hr LNG operations
  • Where do SIMPOS operations occur?

Day Five: LNG Custody Transfer Measurement and Calculations 

  • System setup parameters
  • Sampling and Certification Custody
  • Transfer Guidelines of Terminals Ship and surveyor roles
  • Certificate of Loading
  • Types of Custody Transfer Measurement
  • Systems and Equipment
  • Inerting
  • Aerating
  • Drying and Cool down
  • Liquid form measurement
  • Volumetric measurement
  • Temperature measurement
  • Custody Transfer Measurement system (CTMs) testing and checks
  • LNG Quality Control Mechanisms and the Custody Transfer Procedure
  • Flow metering Technology utilised
    • Flow measurement and custody transfer flow metering, types
    • Coriolis Flow mechanisms, design, metering and performance
    • Thermal Flow mechanisms, design, metering and performance
    • Differential Flow mechanisms, design, metering and performance
    • Ultrasonic Flow mechanisms, design, metering and performance
    • Vortex Flow mechanisms, design, metering and performance
    • Applications of flow meters, calibration, calculations, transfer principles
    • Safety
  • LNG Cargo Spills/ESD and Releases 


تم إغلاق التسجيلات
الوقت والتاريخ
الأحد، 11 أغسطس 2024
البداية - 10:00 ص (Asia/Kuwait)
الخميس، 15 أغسطس 2024
النهاية - 10:00 ص (Asia/Kuwait)

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