Failure Mode Effect and Criticality Analysis (FMECA) Facilitator Skills Training


تم إغلاق التسجيلات

Failure Mode Effect and Criticality Analysis (FMECA) Facilitator Skills Training

Failure Mode Effect and Criticality Analysis (FMECA) Facilitator Skills Training
21 - 25 يوليو 2024
Cairo, مصر

What are the Goals?

The FMECA facilitator training course focuses on a thorough and highly customized FMECA tool in which valuable information is gathered based on the full support of the FMECA team, accomplished by the professional skills of the facilitator.

By the end of this training course, participants will:

  • Know and understand the FMECA and related methods in use in the company
  • Know how to organize the FMECA process and involve participants
  • Be able to present and explain the FMECA tools and software
  • Be able to do systematic questioning and judge information
  • Be able to validate the FMECA results with an expert group

Who is this Training Course for?

This training course is suitable and will be greatly beneficial for you if:

  • You work in in the field of Maintenance, Operations or SHE/ quality as a facilitator or team leader
  • You are familiar with, or willing to learn the process of asset management and the tools in use
  • You love to work with people and get the best out of them.
  • You feel the need to improve yourself in motivating teams and analyzing detailed information

Daily Agenda

Day One: Introduction to Facilitation Skills

  • Introduction to the program
  • Introduction in the key roles of a facilitator
  • Start case FMECA (problem solving)
  • Theory communication process model and skills (feedback)
  • Theory and exercises in asking questions
  • Exercises in problem solving in an expert team

Day Two: The Basics of the FMECA Method

  • FMECA process and template – all aspects
  • Theory ordering information in FMECA (analytical grammar)
  • Theory presentation skills (part 1)
  • FMECA introduction case
  • Theory and exercises in asking questions
  • How to make teaches to foster the FMECA process

Day Three: Introduce and Teach your own FMECA Process

  • Theory Thinking Preferences Ned Herrmann and De Bono
  • Theory presentation skills (part 2)
  • Presentations and teaches of participants (feedback sessions)
  • FMECA case (2)
  • Exercises with reluctant behavior
  • Preparation of new presentations and teaches

Day Four: Judge Information and Quality of FMECA

  • Theory of stakeholder management and networking
  • Exercise inventory of stakeholders and how to approach
  • Case: Challenge the FMECA (and FMECA’s of participants) focus on decision making
  • Theory motivation factors for participants
  • Presentation of participants FMECA’s (feedback session)
  • Theory implementation and project management

Day Five: Promoting FMECA Results

  • Overall learning personal points and feedback
  • Al presentations and feedback
  • During presentations exercises based on the learning points
  • Celebrate success
  • Evaluation and closure of training


تم إغلاق التسجيلات
الوقت والتاريخ
الأحد، 21 يوليو 2024
البداية - 10:00 ص (Asia/Kuwait)
الخميس، 25 يوليو 2024
النهاية - 10:00 ص (Asia/Kuwait)

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