Effective Contractor Management in Maintenance & Technical Projects


تم إغلاق التسجيلات

Effective Contractor Management in Maintenance & Technical Projects

Effective Contractor Management in Maintenance & Technical Projects
23 - 27 يونيو 2024
Barcelona, إسبانيا

What are the Goals?

 At the end of this training course, you will learn to:

  • Explain the basic elements of effective contractor management and its position within asset management
  • Evaluate bids and proposals and choose the right contractor
  • Identify, evaluate and manage the risks involved (SHE, performance)
  • Manage & monitor the contractor performance in an innovative way
  • Develop and negotiate contracts

Who is this Training Course for?

This training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:

  • Facility management teams
  • Contract management teams
  • Operations & Maintenance professionals
  • Reliability, Asset & Plant professionals
  • Shutdown and Turnaround management teams
  • All professionals involved in contractor management
  • Production & Continuous Improvement professionals
  • Anyone who wishes to update themselves on contractor management
  • All professionals negotiating, managing and verifying contracts in maintenance & technical projects

Daily Agenda

Day One: Contractor Management Basics

  • Overview of contractor management
  • How does it relate to asset management?
  • (Out)sourcing strategies
  • Risks involved – risk management & SHE aspects
  • Grounding the maintenance contract with a Risk Based Maintenance concept – how to keep that knowledge in-house

Day Two: Contract Types for Maintenance & Technical Projects

  • Contracts – basic types
  • Contracts – complex types (Turnkey, Design & Construct, Public Private Partnerships)
  • Procurement aspects
  • Choosing the right contractor
  • Monitoring & managing contractor performance – from traditional penalties & rewards to more innovative ways

Day Three: Developing the Contract

  • The contracting cycle
  • Requirements / service levels, RAMS aspects (Reliability Availability Maintainability Safety)
  • Writing the contract
  • Periodic evaluation & continuous improvement – vendor management
  • Partnerships

Day Four: People Management & Negotiation Aspects

  • Implementing contract management
  • How to make it work by influencing the behaviour of people
  • Negotiating the contract
  • Negotiation ploys
  • Negotiation tactics & tips

Day Five: Final Workshop

In a very interactive workshop all major topics of this seminar will be highlighted and practised in groups. Major topics will be:

  • Requirements / service levels – defining what you want
  • Tendering process
  • Contractor selection
  • Contractor management – measuring & managing the performance
  • Negotiation
  • Evaluation


تم إغلاق التسجيلات
الوقت والتاريخ
الأحد، 23 يونيو 2024
البداية - 10:00 ص (Asia/Kuwait)
الخميس، 27 يونيو 2024
النهاية - 10:00 ص (Asia/Kuwait)

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Seattle International For Training


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