Corrosion Control in Gas, Oil & Water


تم إغلاق التسجيلات

Corrosion Control in Gas, Oil & Water

Corrosion Control in Gas, Oil & Water
19 - 23 مايو 2024
Cairo, مصر

What are the Goals?

By the end of this Operational Excellence training course in the Oil, Gas & Petrochemical Industry , participants will be able to:

  • Prioritise and link improvement activities to achieve the organisation’s strategic objectives
  • Manage operational performance using balanced measures and targets  
  • Engage stakeholders to collectively remove waste and optimise the whole ‘Value Stream’
  • Select the appropriate methods and tools within the improvement framework
  • Influence organisational culture and manage changes to support practices in Op Ex

Who is this Training Course for?

This Operational Excellence training course is appropriate for everyone in the organization from the C-level executives down to personnel in the day-to-day operations.  It will develop impactful managerial skills that are vital in achieving and sustaining operational performance improvement.

This Operational Excellence training course in the Oil, Gas & Petrochemical Industry is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:

  • General Managers
  • Heads of Departments
  • Business Analysts
  • Operations Management Personnel
  • Field Supervisors, Engineers & Technicians  

Daily Agenda

Day One: Operational Excellence (Op Ex) Perspectives & Strategic Approach
  • The Op Ex Building Blocks, Principles, Benefits  
  • Op Ex Toolkit in the Oil, Goal & Petrochemicals industry
  • Strategy Alignment and Execution Tools – McKinsey’s 7S, Balanced Scorecard, Strategy Map
  • Integrated Management of Key Factors to Sustain High Oil & Gas Operational Performance
  • Development of Performance Measures in Five Imperatives for Operational Excellence in Oil and Gas Industry
  • How Op Ex enhances Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) Compliance
  • Business Excellence vs Operational Excellence
Day Two: Executing Strategies for Operational Excellence Thru’ Projects
  • Project Overview – Project, Program, Portfolio, Benefits
  • Responsibilities and Skills of Project Managers in the Oil and Gas Industry
  • Project Pipeline Development and Prioritisation
  • Project Management Fundamentals - Lifecycle, Constraints, Body of Knowledge
  • Project’s Business Case Proposal
  • Project Management Toolbox for Scope, Schedule, and Risk Planning 
  • Managing Project’s Lifecycle
Day Three: Achieving Process and Operational Excellence
  • Embedding Continuous Improvement – Cycle, Philosophy, and Action Plan
  • Improving Cross-functional Processes – SIPOC, Swimlane
  • Reducing Costs of Quality (COQ)
  • Applying Problem Solving and Improvement Frameworks – A3, 8D, and DMAIC  
  • Selecting and Applying Improvement Tools - Idea Generation, Data Analysis, and Decision Making
  • Enhancing Process Flow with Theory of Constraints (TOC
Day Four: Best Practices for Lean Organization
  • The Evolution of “Lean” Practices
  • Lean Management 4P (Philosophy, Process, People, Performance) Framework
  • The 14 Principles of Lean Organization
  • Finding & Eliminating Wastes 
  • Optimizing Equipment Availability Thru’ Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)
  • Visual Management & Controls – 5S, Kanban, Andon, and Standard Work
Day Five: Leadership Practices for Cultural and Operational Transformation
  • Analysing Elements of Corporate Culture 
  • Leading Emergent Changes for Operational Excellence
  • Resolving Conflicts in Operations 
  • Building Consensus Among Varying Stakeholders
  • Building High-Performing Teams


تم إغلاق التسجيلات
الوقت والتاريخ
الأحد، 19 مايو 2024
البداية - 10:00 ص (Asia/Kuwait)
الخميس، 23 مايو 2024
النهاية - 10:00 ص (Asia/Kuwait)

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