Conflict Management Training Resolutions


Conflict Management Training Resolutions

Conflict Management Training Resolutions
19 - 23 أكتوبر 2025
oman, سلطنة عمان
سلطنة عمان


The Conflict Management Training and Resolutions course is designed to equip participants with essential skills to understand, manage, and resolve conflicts in the workplace or any professional setting. Conflict, while inevitable, can also serve as an opportunity for growth and innovation when addressed effectively. This five-day course focuses on conflict resolution strategies, improving communication, understanding conflict dynamics, and developing the ability to manage difficult conversations with confidence. Participants will learn to identify sources of conflict, explore different conflict resolution styles, and acquire practical tools for transforming challenging situations into productive outcomes.

Through interactive discussions, real-world case studies, and role-playing exercises, this course will enhance participants' ability to foster positive working relationships and create a more harmonious and collaborative work environment.

Course Objectives

By the end of this five-day course, participants will be able to:

  1. Understand Conflict Dynamics: Recognize the root causes of conflict and the common patterns that lead to disputes in professional settings.
  2. Identify Different Conflict Styles: Understand various conflict styles and when to apply them to different situations.
  3. Master Conflict Resolution Techniques: Learn and apply effective conflict resolution techniques to resolve disputes in a constructive manner.
  4. Improve Communication Skills: Develop the ability to communicate effectively in conflict situations, using active listening and clear articulation.
  5. Navigate Difficult Conversations: Learn how to manage and resolve high-stakes or emotionally charged conversations with confidence.
  6. Foster Collaborative Problem-Solving: Use collaborative approaches to problem-solving that lead to mutually beneficial outcomes.
  7. Handle Workplace Conflicts Constructively: Develop strategies for managing conflicts within teams, departments, or between different stakeholders.
  8. Build a Positive Organizational Culture: Understand how effective conflict management contributes to a healthy and productive work environment.
  9. Develop Emotional Intelligence: Improve self-awareness and empathy to navigate conflict in a calm, composed, and understanding manner.
  10. Create a Personal Conflict Management Plan: Develop a personalized action plan for managing conflicts in the workplace and fostering long-term resolution.

Course Outline

Day 1: Understanding Conflict and Its Causes

  • Introduction to Conflict: Understanding what conflict is and why it arises in professional settings.
  • The Nature of Conflict: Exploring different types of conflicts (interpersonal, team-based, organizational, etc.) and their common causes.
  • Conflict Escalation: How conflicts evolve and the impact of unresolved conflict on teams and organizations.
  • The Conflict Cycle: Identifying the stages of conflict and recognizing early warning signs.
  • Practical Exercise: Reflecting on personal experiences with conflict and analyzing the causes and outcomes.
  • Case Study: Reviewing a real-world case of conflict in the workplace and discussing the impact on team performance and relationships.

Day 2: Conflict Styles and Approaches

  • Identifying Conflict Styles: Understanding the five main conflict styles: competing, collaborating, compromising, avoiding, and accommodating.
  • When to Use Each Style: Learning when and how to apply each conflict style in different situations.
  • Assessing Your Conflict Style: Self-assessment of conflict styles and recognizing how your style impacts conflict resolution.
  • Conflict Management Strategies: How to adapt your approach to manage conflict effectively based on the situation and the people involved.
  • Practical Exercise: Role-playing different conflict scenarios to practice identifying and applying the appropriate conflict resolution style.
  • Case Study: Analyzing a conflict situation in a team and determining the best approach for resolution.

Day 3: Communication Skills for Conflict Resolution

  • The Role of Communication in Conflict: Understanding how communication styles impact conflict and conflict resolution.
  • Active Listening: Learning how to listen with intent and empathy, which helps in defusing tense situations.
  • Non-Verbal Communication: Recognizing how body language and tone of voice influence conflict dynamics.
  • Assertive Communication: How to express thoughts and needs clearly while respecting others’ views.
  • Managing Emotions in Conflict: Developing emotional control to stay composed and rational in heated situations.
  • Practical Exercise: Participants will engage in role-playing to practice active listening, assertiveness, and non-verbal communication during conflict resolution.
  • Case Study: Reviewing a conflict resolution example where communication breakdowns escalated the situation and discussing how to avoid them.

Day 4: Conflict Resolution Techniques and Tools

  • Negotiation Techniques: How to negotiate win-win solutions by finding common ground and mutual benefits.
  • Collaborative Problem-Solving: Approaches for resolving conflict through collaboration and joint problem-solving.
  • Mediation Skills: Learning how to mediate conflicts between two or more parties effectively.
  • Building Consensus: Techniques for fostering agreement and collaboration between conflicting parties.
  • Managing High-Stakes or Emotional Conflicts: How to handle emotionally charged conflicts, such as personal disputes or high-pressure situations.
  • Practical Exercise: Participants will simulate mediation and negotiation processes in conflict scenarios, practicing collaborative problem-solving and consensus-building.
  • Case Study: Analyzing a case of mediation in a workplace setting and evaluating the effectiveness of the resolution approach.

Day 5: Conflict Management in the Workplace and Creating a Personal Plan

  • Conflict in Teams and Organizations: How conflict manifests within teams and organizations, and the impact it has on productivity and morale.
  • Preventing Future Conflicts: Strategies for preventing conflicts by setting clear expectations, building trust, and fostering an open communication culture.
  • Building a Positive Work Culture: How effective conflict management contributes to creating a positive and collaborative work environment.
  • Developing Emotional Intelligence for Conflict: Using emotional intelligence to navigate and manage conflict with empathy and understanding.
  • Personal Conflict Management Plan: Participants will create an actionable plan for managing conflicts within their teams or organizations.
  • Practical Exercise: Role-playing difficult workplace conflict scenarios and practicing the conflict resolution techniques learned during the course.
  • Course Wrap-Up and Reflection: Review of key learnings, final reflections on how to apply the strategies, and feedback from participants.


الوقت والتاريخ
الأحد، 19 أكتوبر 2025
البداية - 8:00 ص (Asia/Kuwait)
الخميس، 23 أكتوبر 2025
النهاية - 3:00 م (Asia/Kuwait)

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سلطنة عمان

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