Best Practices of Petroleum Reservoir Engineering


Best Practices of Petroleum Reservoir Engineering

Best Practices of Petroleum Reservoir Engineering
27 - 31 أكتوبر 2024
London, المملكة المتحدة
المملكة المتحدة

What are the Goals?

By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Apply volumetric and material balance equations to calculate reserves
  • Understand oil and gas flow equations under different flow regimes
  • Understand main methods of well testing of Draw down and Buildup tests
  • Calculate time and saturation of water breakthrough in water flooding
  • Best practices of main groups of Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) techniques

Who is this Training Course for?

This course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:

  • Petroleum Engineers & Production Engineers
  • Processing engineers & other discipline engineers
  • Geologists & Petro physicists
  • Engineers who are new to the profession
  • Other individuals who need to know about current & advanced techniques in EOR

Daily Agenda

Day One: Geology and Reservoir Rock Properties

  • Definitions of petroleum engineering and reservoir engineering
  • Responsibilities and required tasks of reservoir engineers
  • Different types of rocks, rock cyclic, and depositional environments
  • Types of oil traps: structural, stratigraphic, and combination
  • Global distribution of oil and gas reserves and top producing countries
  • Routine and Special Core Analysis (RCAL & SCAL) for rock properties

Day Two: Phase Diagram and Reservoir Drive Mechanisms

  • Reservoir fluid properties and their variation with pressure
  • Phase diagram concept and its important applications
  • Five different reservoir fluids, Lab and field identification
  • Applications of ideal and real gas Equation of State (EOS)
  • Three phases of oil recovery: primary, secondary, and  enhanced
  •  Six different primary reservoir drive mechanisms:

Day Three: Material Balance Equation (MBE) Applications

  • Definition, classification, and calculation of reserve
  • Application of Material Balance Equation (MBE) Technique
  • Volumetric reservoirs and Havlena and Odeh Technique
  • Types and purposes of well tests
  • Single well and multi-well testing methods
  • Geological information from well testing

Day Four: Gas Resources and Water Flooding

  • Concepts and global distribution of gas reserve
  • Conventional  and unconventional natural gas sources
  • Gas hydrates as a n important future energy source
  • Secondary recovery and problems of water flooding
  • Frontal displacement (fractional flow) theory and calculation example
  • Design procedure and an example of how to design a reservoir simulation study

Day Five: Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) Techniques

  • Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR ) Methods and need to apply
  • Chemical EOR: polymer, alkaline/surfactant/polymer (ASP)
  • Solvent EOR: Carbon Dioxide, and hydrocarbon gas injections
  • Thermal EOR process and heavy oil reserves
  • Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD) EOR Process
  • Microbial, Enzyme, and Low Salinity Water (LSW) EOR processes


الوقت والتاريخ
الأحد، 27 أكتوبر 2024
البداية - 10:00 ص (Asia/Kuwait)
الخميس، 31 أكتوبر 2024
النهاية - 10:00 ص (Asia/Kuwait)

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