API Specification Q1 Practitioner (9th Edition)


API Specification Q1 Practitioner (9th Edition)

API Specification Q1 Practitioner (9th Edition)
15 - 19 ديسمبر 2024
London, المملكة المتحدة
المملكة المتحدة

What are the Goals?

By the end of this training course, participants should have the knowledge and understanding of the following:

  • The Importance of API Specification Q1 & Monogram program role of statutory & regulatory legal requirements in Q1
  • How exclusion is applied to an entire organization
  • Understand significant terms, definitions and abbreviations that will be reviewed through Q1
  • QMS requirements and steps for a successful implementation

Who is this Training Course for?

This training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:

  • API Monogram Licensees and Applicants
  • Quality System Auditors
  • Quality Assurance Personnel and Management Representatives
  • Manufacturers of Oilfield Equipment
  • Personnel involved in Supplier Evaluation Activities
  • Oil Company Personnel involved with Specifying Equipment Requirements

Daily Agenda

  • Module 01: API Spec Q1 Welcome and Intros
  • Module 02: Importance of API Spec Q1 to Industry History of API Spec Q1, Business related drivers to API Spec Q1, Applications of API
  • Module 03: Overview, Exclusions & Legal requirements Importance of legal requirements, Key Terminology used in API Spec Q1, Allowable Exclusions.
  • Module 04: Quality Management Requirements Identify QMS requirements in the specifications, determine participation in the QMS & describe their roles, Outline the type of documents needed to support the QMS & to define how they should be managed.
  • Module 05
  • Module 5(A): Product Realizations Contract Review requirements, Planning requirements for product realization, Requirements for accessing and documenting risks throughout the manufacturing process.
  • Module 5(B): Design & Development
    • Design & Development process, Element required for D&D procedures.
  • Module 5(C): Contingency planning & Purchasing Process for Contingency planning & purchasing, Elements required for documenting Contingency planning & Purchasing.
  • Module 5(D): Production and Service provision
    • Elements of the production and service provision, Types of information’s needed for production & servicing documentations, Requirement of Product Quality Plan.
  • Module 5(E): Control of Testing, Measuring, Monitoring Equipment (TMME) requirements.
    • Control of TMME requirements, Elements required for documenting control of TMME procedures.
  • Module 06: QMS Monitoring, Measurement, Analysis and Improvements (MMAI)
    • QMS MMAI process for products, Elements required for documenting QMS MMAI procedures
  • Module 5(E): Control of Testing, Measuring, Monitoring Equipment (TMME) requirements.
    • Control of TMME requirements, Elements required for documenting control of TMME procedures.
  • Module 06: QMS Monitoring, Measurement, Analysis and Improvements (MMAI)
    • QMS MMAI process for products, Elements required for documenting QMS MMAI procedures
  • Module 07: API Monogram program
    • Scope of API Q1 Monogram program, Understanding of the API Q1 monogram program, QMS requirements for application to the API Q1 monogram program, Use of the API Q1 monogram program.
  • Module 5(E): Control of Testing, Measuring, Monitoring Equipment (TMME) requirements.
    • Control of TMME requirements, Elements required for documenting control of TMME procedures.
  • Module 06: QMS Monitoring, Measurement, Analysis and Improvements (MMAI)
    • QMS MMAI process for products, Elements required for documenting QMS MMAI procedures
  • Module 07: API Monogram program
    • Scope of API Q1 Monogram program, Understanding of the API Q1 monogram program, QMS requirements for application to the API Q1 monogram program, Use of the API Q1 monogram program.
  • Module 08: Risk Assessment & Management
    • Concept & principles for Risk Management, Risk assessment & Risk management, Risk management process, Risk evaluation tools & techniques.
  • Module 09: Contingency Planning
    • Elements of a contingency plan, Documentation, training & communication requirements, Customer notifications.
  • Module 10: Management of Change (MOC) Organizational Structure, Key & essential structure, Critical suppliers, Changes resulting from corrective / preventive actions.


الوقت والتاريخ
الأحد، 15 ديسمبر 2024
البداية - 11:00 ص (Asia/Kuwait)
الخميس، 19 ديسمبر 2024
النهاية - 11:00 ص (Asia/Kuwait)

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