Fitness-For-Service, Remaining Life Assessment & Repair of Pressure Equipment & Piping


Fitness-For-Service, Remaining Life Assessment & Repair of Pressure Equipment & Piping

Fitness-For-Service, Remaining Life Assessment & Repair of Pressure Equipment & Piping
05 - 09 Jan 2025
Cairo, Egypt

Daily Agenda

Day One: Fitness-For-Service Technology 
  • Overview of API 579 Contents, Objectives and Applications
  • How to apply API 579 for cost-effective run-or-repair decisions
  • Fitness-for-Service assessment procedure
  • An overview of what is new in the latest release
  • FFS Assessment Methodology and Procedure
  • Structure of the Standard - Road map for Parts 3 through 13 of the FFS Standard
  • The FFS eight-step procedure
  • Examples of the major parts
Day Two: Inspection and Fitness-For-Service
  • Real function of inspection
  • Inspection reliability and effectiveness
  • Nondestructive testing techniques - PT, VT, MT, ET, UT, RT, AE
  • Fundamentals of Design and Construction of Pressure Vessels, Storage Tanks and Piping
  • Annex A - Thickness, MAWP and stress equations for a FFS assessment
  • Fitness-for-Service and Remaining Life (cont’d) Brittle Fracture and Cryogenic Service
  • Assessment of General Wall Thinning
  • Assessment of Local Thin Areas and B31G for Pipelines
  • Assessment of Pitting Corrosion
  • Fabrication Defects and in-Service Degradation of Pressure Equipment and Piping
  • Annex G - Damage Mechanisms
Day Three: FFS Assessment of Brittle Fracture and Metal Loss 
  • Assessment of Existing Equipment for Brittle Fracture
  • Overview of brittle fracture
  • Data requirements
  • Assessment techniques
  • Acceptance criteria
  • Worked examples
  • Overview of Corrosion, Erosion and Pitting
  • Assessment of General Metal Loss
  • Data requirements
  • Assessment techniques
  • Acceptance criteria
  • Worked examples
  • Assessment of Local Metal Loss
  • Data requirements
  • Assessment techniques
  • Acceptance criteria
  • Worked examples Assessment techniques laminations-Distortion-cracks
Day Four: Assessment of Pitting Corrosion 
  • Data requirements
  • Assessment techniques
  • Acceptance criteria
  • Worked example
  • Fitness For Service Assessment of Corroded Pipelines
  • ASME B31G
  • KAPA
  • Worked Example - Blisters, Local and Mechanical Damage
  • Assessment of Hydrogen Blisters and Hydrogen Damage Associated With HIC and SOHIC
  • Data requirements
  • Assessment techniques
  • Acceptance criteria
  • Worked examples Assessment techniques creep-fire damage-fatigue
Day Five: Assessment of Weld Misalignment and Shell Distortions 
  • Data requirements
  • Assessment techniques
  • Acceptance criteria
  • Worked example
  • Introduction to Fracture Mechanics
  • Assessment of Crack-Like Flaws
  • Data requirements
  • Assessment techniques
  • Acceptance criteria
  • Worked examples
  • Creep, Fire and Mechanical Damage
  • Assessment of Components Operating in the Creep Range
  • Data requirements
  • Assessment techniques
  • Acceptance criteria
  • Worked example
  • Assessment of Fire Damage
  • Data requirements
  • Assessment techniques
  • Acceptance criteria
  • Case study
  • Assessment of Dents, Gouges, and Dent-Gouge Combinations
  • Data requirements
  • Assessment techniques
  • Acceptance criteria
  • Worked example
  • Assessment of Laminations
  • Data requirements
  • Assessment techniques
  • Acceptance criteria
  • Worked example Repair methodologies
  • Repair Techniques
    • New Developments in Repair Standards 
    • Permanent and Temporary Repairs
    • Overview of All Repair Techniques 
    • Selection of the Right Repair
    • Contents and Structure of the Repair Plan
    • Welding on In-Service Equipment
    • Welded Repairs
    • Non-Welded Repairs


Date & Time
Sunday, January 5, 2025
Start - 11:00 AM (Asia/Kuwait)
Thursday, January 9, 2025
End - 11:00 AM (Asia/Kuwait)

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