Safety Audit & Site Inspection


Safety Audit & Site Inspection

Safety Audit & Site Inspection
26 - 30 يناير 2025
London, المملكة المتحدة
المملكة المتحدة

What are the Goals?

By the end of this training course, the participants will be able to:

  • Understand the legal background
  • Appreciate the key elements of a safety management system
  • Develop the skills necessary to undertake audits and site inspections successfully
  • Understand the importance of and how to assess the safety culture of an organisation
  • Evaluate the emergency plans of an organization

Who is this Training Course for?

This training course has been specifically designed to provide practical health and safety guidance. It would benefit a wide range of professionals involved or concerned with monitoring health and safety performance. The guidance will enable those attending to apply this learning to carry out safety audits and site inspections successfully.

This training course is a suitably wide range of professionals but will significantly benefit:

  • HSE Personnel
  • Engineers
  • Maintenance Personnel
  • Employee Representatives
  • Human Resources Professionals
  • All personnel involved in selecting or vetting contractors
  • All line Managers, Supervisors and Team Leaders  
  • Any other staff who are involved in monitoring the HSE management system

Daily Agenda

Day One: Introduction to Audits, Legislation, and Contractors

  • Introduction to Safety Audits and Inspections
  • The legal aspects relating to monitoring performance
  • Seveso, COMAH, PSM 1910.119, CDM Regulations, & ILO C-167
  • ISO 45001
  • Contractor Selection and Control
  • Evaluating risk assessments and safe systems of work

Day Two: Elements of a Safety Management System – Audits

  • Types of Safety Management Systems
  • Core Elements of Safety Management Systems
  • Proactive and reactive monitoring of performance
  • Measurement Techniques
  • Competencies for Auditors
  • Audits and their Critical Components

Day Three: Inspections

  • Observation Techniques
  • Specific Audit/Inspection Systems - Physical Inspection of the Site
  • Confined Space Entry
  • Lifting equipment and lifting operations
  • Work at height and safe access
  • Chemicals
  • Fire Assessment
  • Permit to Work Systems

Day Four: Safety Culture

  • Safety Culture and Human Factors
  • Negative and Positive Dimensions
  • Taylor, Herzberg, McGregor, and Maslow
  • Natural Penalties and Consequences
  • ABC Analysis (Antecedents, Behaviour, and consequences)
  • What drives behaviour?
  • Auditing and improving the safety culture

Day Five: Emergency and Contingency Planning 

  • Internal Emergency Plans
  • External Emergency Plans
  • Auditing Emergency Plans
  • Audit Reports
  • Contingency Planning
  • Actions for Improvement


الوقت والتاريخ
الأحد، 26 يناير 2025
البداية - 11:00 ص (Asia/Kuwait)
الخميس، 30 يناير 2025
النهاية - 11:00 ص (Asia/Kuwait)

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المملكة المتحدة

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