Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM)


Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM)

Risk Based Strategies for Inspection & Maintenance (RBI & RBM)
20 - 24 Oct 2024
Cairo, Egypt

What are the Goals?

  • To provide clear understanding of the key aspects of Risk Based Inspection, its advantages and limitations
  • To provide a clear understanding of how it is linked to reliability-centered maintenance
  • Understand how fitness-for-service assessment affects the Risk
  • To show you how to develop a successful RBI program at your facility
  • Provide you with the practical and effective methods you need to perform practical likelihood and consequence analysis
  • Show you how to develop optimum Inspection intervals for individual equipment based on the assessment of the active degradation mechanisms

Who is this Training Course for?

  • Operations Engineers
  • Maintenance Engineers
  • Engineering Managers and Supervisors
  • Technical Staff with responsibilities for inspection, maintenance, assessment and mitigation of plant equipment degradation, and who want to use RBI effectively in their plants

Daily Agenda

Day One: Course Objectives and Overview

  • Significance of Inspection in Plant Integrity and Maintenance Costs
    • The Real Function of Inspection
    • Inspection Key Performance Indicators
  • Common Inspection Strategies and Their Limitations
  • Risk-Based Decision-Making Fundamentals and Tools
    • Risk Assessment - Probability of failure, consequences of failure
    • Risk Management – Avoidance, Mitigation
    • Risk Communication
  • Understanding and Managing Risk
    • Principles Risk Assessment
    • Risk Assessment Elements
    • Qualitative, Semi-quantitative, and Quantitative Assessment
  • Workshop 1- Illustrative Example of Risk Assessment

Day Two: Risk Based Inspection (RBI)

  • Definitions
  • Evolution
  • Key Elements of RBI
  • Reasons for implementing RBI
    • Benefits and Limitations of using RBI
    • RBI as a part of plant integrity management
    • Economic Benefits
  • API Risk-Based Inspection Methodology
    • API RP 580
    • API BRD 581 – Various levels of RBI Analyses
  • Impact of RBI on Related API Codes, Standards, and Recommended Practices
    • API 510, 570 and 650
    • API 579 Fitness-For-Purpose
  • API Risk Based Inspection Software
  • Workshop 2 - Q&A on API RBI Methodology

Day Three: Overview of API 571 - Recognition of Conditions Causing Deterioration of Failure

  • Overview of over 60 damage mechanisms found in refineries
  • Detailed discussion of some common damage mechanisms: Internal and external corrosion, brittle fracture, fatigue, SCC, HIC, internal and external corrosion
  • Identification of Deterioration Mechanisms & Failure Modes
    • Active damage mechanisms in critical plant equipment
    • Inactive or “unlikely” mechanisms
    • Identification for assessment
    • Impact of simultaneous mechanisms
  • Selection of Suitable Materials for Specific Deterioration Mechanisms
  • Integrated Asset Management
    • Linking Risk Assessment, RBI, and RCM
    • Managing Risk Using RBI
  • Workshop 3 - Case studies involving a number of equipment damage and failures, and learnings

Day Four: Development of Inspection Plan (Based on RBI Risk Ranking)

  • Inspection Planning Guidance
  • Need for Some Speculative / Exploratory Inspection
  • RBI Implementation
    • Essentials for Establishing a Successful RBI Program
    • The RBI Team - Recommended Structure and Mandate
  • Developing Equipment and Piping Systems / Circuits Inventory
  • Inspection History, Interpretation
    • Equipment Criticality Rating
  • Equipment Data Base
    • Shared Database by RBI and RCM
    • Importance of Data Quality
    • Computerized Maintenance Management Systems
  • Workshop 4 – Case Study: Risk-based categorization of equipment and failure modes

Day Five

  • Inspection Interval Optimization Based on Assessed Risk
  • Evaluation of Inspection Results
    • Data Quality
    • Corrosion Rate Calculations
    • Remaining Life Calculations
  • Fitness-For-Service Assessments
  • Estimation of Consequences of Failures
  • Workshop 5 - Case Study - Assessment of defects in critical equipment


Date & Time
Sunday, October 20, 2024
Start - 10:00 AM (Asia/Kuwait)
Thursday, October 24, 2024
End - 10:00 AM (Asia/Kuwait)

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